We expect to be able to cover most
travel and lodging expenses of undergraduate participants
give presentations, as well as of accompanying faculty mentors. Students
and faculty are cordially invited to apply for financial
YMC 2012 provides an opportunity for undergraduate students around the country to present
their independent research in mathematics, and find new research opportunities
through interaction with their peers as well as a graduate school orientation.
Further it serves as a forum for faculty who are involved in mentoring undergraduate research.

Click on image to download pdf version of poster. In order to receive
a printed poster contact
ymc@math.osu.edu .
Advisory Board
Robert Devaney
(Boston University)
Ruth Charney
(Brandeis University)
Dennis DeTurck
(University of Pennsylvania)
Carolyne Gordon
(Dartmouth College)
Loek Helminck
(North Carolina State)
Aparna Higgins
(University of Dayton)
Bryna Kra
(Northwestern University)
Donal O'Shea
(Mount Holyoke)
Alayne Parson
(University of Denver)
Kim Whittlesey